
I use Osteopathy to treat people with pain and discomfort for all body parts. I don't just treat back pain, I also treat anything from neck pain to foot pain, sciatica to shoulder impingement and anything in between. I treat adults, adolescents, young children and babies.

As a lifelong runner and certified running coach, I specialise in treating Sports injuries and helping people to get back to doing whatever activities they enjoy the most.

Movement & Pain

When you are in pain or experiencing a painful flare up of an ongoing condition, often the best thing you can do is to move a little. Pain is an alarm system in you body telling you to take action. The most benefical and easiest action to take is to move. Find out what function you have and try to maximise that function. Always think "Function First". 

below is a link to a 10min video of me doing some mobility exercises.